Name & Title | Research Description | Research Areas |
Bianca Acevedo Researcher |
Dr. Acevedo’s research focuses on the neural and genetic basis of attachment and sensory processing sensitivity (and related disorders), and mind-body interventions. | Alzheimer’s Disease & Related Dementias |
Andy Alexander Assistant Professor |
Dr. Andy Alexander's research focuses on interactions between the neocortex, thalamus, and extended hippocampal formation that subserve spatial cognition and mnemonic processes. | |
Dennis Clegg Professor Wilcox Family Chair in BioMedicine |
Dr Clegg's research focuses on developing cures for blindness using embryonic, iPS, and adult stem cells. | Cell Biology, Biochemistry & Biophysics of the Nervous System, Development of the Nervous System, Stem Cells, The Visual System |
Siddharth Dey Assistant Professor |
The goal of our lab is to develop novel single-cell sequencing technologies to understand how variability in the epigenome regulates gene expression heterogeneity and cell fate decisions. | Stem Cells, Tools & Technology Development |
Adele Doyle Assistant Professor |
Neural & cardiovascular tissue engineering/regenerative medicine. Stem cells, mechanobiology, molecular control systems. | Alzheimer’s Disease & Related Dementias, Cell Biology, Biochemistry & Biophysics of the Nervous System, Computational & Theoretical Neuroscience, Development of the Nervous System, Stem Cells, Systems Neuroscience & Imaging Neural Activity, Tools & Technology Development |
Stuart Feinstein Co-Director, NRI Professor |
Normal and Pathological Action of the Microtubule-Associated Protein Tau; Alzheimer’s and related dementias. | Alzheimer’s Disease & Related Dementias, Cell Biology, Biochemistry & Biophysics of the Nervous System |
Steven Fisher Professor Emeritus |
Structure and function in the vertebrate retina with an emphasis on mechanisms underlying photoreceptor degeneration and the role of glial cells in normal and injured or diseased retina. | Cell Biology, Biochemistry & Biophysics of the Nervous System, Stem Cells, The Visual System |
Michael Gazzaniga Professor |
Dr. Gazzaniga conducts research on how the brain enables mind. | Behavioral Neuroscience & Neuroethology , Systems Neuroscience & Imaging Neural Activity |
Michael Goard Assistant Professor |
The overarching goal of my research is to better understand how the mammalian neocortex processes and stores incoming sensory information. | Behavioral Neuroscience & Neuroethology , Cell Biology, Biochemistry & Biophysics of the Nervous System, Systems Neuroscience & Imaging Neural Activity, The Visual System |
Songi Han Professor |
The Han lab uses advanced electron and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy tools to pursue the study of biomolecular structure, molecular interactions, dynamics and functional processes with atomic and molecular-level insight. | Alzheimer’s Disease & Related Dementias, Tools & Technology Development |
Paul Hansma Professor |
The goal of our lab is to build useful gadgets. Current projects include multi-electrode probes for neuron cell cultures and multi-sensor biofeedback devices to help people overcome chronic pain. | Alzheimer’s Disease & Related Dementias, Behavioral Neuroscience & Neuroethology , Tools & Technology Development |
Emily Jacobs Assistant Professor |
Uses human brain imaging techniques (fMRI) and endocrinology to determine the impact of sex steroid hormones on brain morphology and function. | Behavioral Neuroscience & Neuroethology , Systems Neuroscience & Imaging Neural Activity |
Skirmantas Janusonis Professor |
Spatial and temporal organization of stochastic axon systems in the brain. | Cell Biology, Biochemistry & Biophysics of the Nervous System, Computational & Theoretical Neuroscience, Development of the Nervous System |
Mary Ann Jordan Adjunct Professor Emeritus |
Mechanism and regulation of microtubule polymerization and dynamics; mechanism of action of microtubule-targeted anticancer drugs and microtubule-regulatory proteins. | Alzheimer’s Disease & Related Dementias, Cell Biology, Biochemistry & Biophysics of the Nervous System |
Mika Katsura Laboratory Co-Director, Center for Stem Cell Biology & Engineering |
Patrick Keeley Assistant Researcher |
The Visual System , Development of the Nervous System | |
Ron Keiflin Assistant Professor |
Behavioral and neural mechanisms that guide associative learning and decision-making. | |
Sung Soo Kim Assistant Professor |
Neural circuit dynamics and behavior; navigation in a visual environment; neural mechanisms of object selection and decision-making. | Behavioral Neuroscience & Neuroethology , Computational & Theoretical Neuroscience, Systems Neuroscience & Imaging Neural Activity, The Visual System |
Tod Kippin Associate Professor |
Neuroscience and Behavior. | Behavioral Neuroscience & Neuroethology |
Kenneth Kosik Co-Director NRI Harriman Professor of Neuroscience |
Neural plasticity including the molecular basis of plasticity, the evolution of synapses, and disease-related impairments of plasticity such as occurs in Alzheimer's disease. | Alzheimer’s Disease & Related Dementias, Cell Biology, Biochemistry & Biophysics of the Nervous System, Development of the Nervous System, Stem Cells, Tools & Technology Development |
Tonya Kydland Project Scientist |
Alzheimer’s Disease & Related Dementias |
John Lew Associate Professor |
Molecular mechanisms of signal transduction; Alzheimer's Disease and other protein aggregation/misfolding diseases; molecular biology, enzymology, and protein structure/function. | Alzheimer’s Disease & Related Dementias, Cell Biology, Biochemistry & Biophysics of the Nervous System |
Geoff Lewis Researcher |
My current research involves developing treatment strategies for diseases and injuries of the retina. | Stem Cells, The Visual System |
Matthieu Louis Associate Professor |
Combining theory and experimentation to understand how navigational decisions come about in terms of neural-circuit computation. | Behavioral Neuroscience & Neuroethology , Computational & Theoretical Neuroscience, Systems Neuroscience & Imaging Neural Activity, Tools & Technology Development |
Dzwokai (Zach) Ma Associate Professor |
Trafficking regulation of receptors and channels in the nervous system. | Cell Biology, Biochemistry & Biophysics of the Nervous System |
B.S. Manjunath Professor |
Computer vision, machine learning, microscopy image analysis, image segmentation, classification, tracking. | Computational & Theoretical Neuroscience, The Visual System , Tools & Technology Development |
Craig Montell Duggan Professor and Distinguished Professor |
Decoding the receptors and channels required for animal behavior in Drosophila and the mosquito, Aedes aegypti. | Behavioral Neuroscience & Neuroethology , Cell Biology, Biochemistry & Biophysics of the Nervous System, Systems Neuroscience & Imaging Neural Activity, The Visual System |
Denise Montell Duggan Professor and Distinguished Professor |
Combination of molecular, genetic, and state-of-the-art imaging approaches to define and solve fundamental questions in cell and developmental biology with implications for neurodegenerative disease, ischemic diseases and cancer. | Cell Biology, Biochemistry & Biophysics of the Nervous System, Development of the Nervous System, Stem Cells |
Arnab Mukherjee Assistant Professor |
Genetically encoded biomolecular sensors for probing neural activity and cell function noninvasively in living animals using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). | Cell Biology, Biochemistry & Biophysics of the Nervous System, Systems Neuroscience & Imaging Neural Activity, Tools & Technology Development |
Todd Oakley Professor |
Macroevolution, phylogenetics, bioluminescence, vision, molecular evolution, complexity, marine organismal biology. | |
Stan Parsons Professor Emeritus |
Add Research Teaser. | Alzheimer’s Disease & Related Dementias, Cell Biology, Biochemistry & Biophysics of the Nervous System |
Linda Petzold Mehrabian Distinguished Professor |
Computational methods, mathematical modeling, and machine learning, with application to a wide range of problems from systems biology, neuroscience and engineering. | Behavioral Neuroscience & Neuroethology , Computational & Theoretical Neuroscience, Tools & Technology Development |
Monte Radeke Project Scientist |
Add Research Teaser. | Cell Biology, Biochemistry & Biophysics of the Nervous System, Development of the Nervous System, Stem Cells, The Visual System |
Benjamin Reese Professor |
Organization, development and plasticity of the retina and visual pathway. | Alzheimer’s Disease & Related Dementias, Development of the Nervous System, The Visual System |
Joel Rothman Professor |
Molecular and genetic analysis of development, stem cell biology, apoptosis, and behavior in the nematode C. elegans. | Alzheimer’s Disease & Related Dementias, Behavioral Neuroscience & Neuroethology , Cell Biology, Biochemistry & Biophysics of the Nervous System, Development of the Nervous System, Stem Cells |
Charles Samuel Research Professor, and C.A. Storke II Professor and Distinguished Professor, Emeritus |
Antiviral innate immunity and interferon action, with focus on the roles of double-stranded RNA in translational control by the PKR kinase and A-to-I RNA editing by the ADAR1 deaminase. | Cell Biology, Biochemistry & Biophysics of the Nervous System |
Joan-Emma Shea Professor |
Theoretical and computational biophysics; protein folding and aggregation in Alzheimer's. | |
Julie Simpson Associate Professor |
Systems neuroscience, neuroethology, and genetics, applied to dissecting the neural circuits that control a flexible motor sequence of grooming in fruit flies. | Behavioral Neuroscience & Neuroethology , Tools & Technology Development |
Ikuko Smith Assistant Professor |
Information processing by neural circuitry with a special focus on the role of active dendrites in nonlinear modes of synaptic integration. | Behavioral Neuroscience & Neuroethology , Cell Biology, Biochemistry & Biophysics of the Nervous System, Systems Neuroscience & Imaging Neural Activity, The Visual System |
Spencer LaVere Smith Co-Director, UCSB Brain Initiative Associate Professor |
Neuroengineering multiphoton imaging systems. Studying how neurons and their networks compute. Mouse visual system, behavior, large scale networks with subcellular resolution. | Behavioral Neuroscience & Neuroethology , Cell Biology, Biochemistry & Biophysics of the Nervous System, Computational & Theoretical Neuroscience, Systems Neuroscience & Imaging Neural Activity, Tools & Technology Development, The Visual System |
William Smith Professor |
We research in two primary areas: (1) the mechanisms of neural tube closure in Xenopus and Ciona; (2) and behavior and neural circuity in Ciona. | Behavioral Neuroscience & Neuroethology , Cell Biology, Biochemistry & Biophysics of the Nervous System, Development of the Nervous System |
Tommy Sprague Assistant Professor |
Studies how the brain represents information in support of goal-directed behavior using computational neuroimaging. | Computational & Theoretical Neuroscience, Systems Neuroscience & Imaging Neural Activity, The Visual System , Tools & Technology Development |
Sebastian Streichan Assistant Professor |
Dr. Streichan’s research focuses on understanding the physical mechanisms of morphogenesis using embryonic development and iPS based synthetic systems. | |
Karen Szumlinski Professor |
Dr. Szumlinski's research focuses on the neuropsychopharmacology of substance use and related disorders. | Behavioral Neuroscience & Neuroethology , Systems Neuroscience & Imaging Neural Activity |
Megan Valentine Professor |
Prof. Valentine’s research focuses on the mechanics of cells and tissues and the design of bio-inspired materials. | Alzheimer’s Disease & Related Dementias, Cell Biology, Biochemistry & Biophysics of the Nervous System, Stem Cells, Tools & Technology Development |
Carol Vandenberg Professor Emeritus |
Cell biology of the nervous system and muscle. Mechanisms of ion channel trafficking; function and regulation of potassium channels; polarized targeting of membrane proteins and neuronal cell polarity. | Cell Biology, Biochemistry & Biophysics of the Nervous System |
René Weber Professor |
Attention disorders and media-multitasking, moral judgment and conflict in narratives, media violence and aggression, persuasion neuroscience, cognitive control and flow experiences. | Behavioral Neuroscience & Neuroethology , Computational & Theoretical Neuroscience, Systems Neuroscience & Imaging Neural Activity, Tools & Technology Development |
Thomas Weimbs Professor |
Molecular mechanisms underlying polycystic kidney disease, and SNARE fusion proteins. | Cell Biology, Biochemistry & Biophysics of the Nervous System |
Leslie Wilson Professor Emeritus |
Mechanism and regulation of microtubule polymerization and dynamics; mechanism of action of microtubule-targeted anticancer drugs and microtubule-regulatory proteins. | Alzheimer’s Disease & Related Dementias, Cell Biology, Biochemistry & Biophysics of the Nervous System |
Max Wilson Assistant Professor |
Combines tools from Biology, Engineering, and Physics to understand the cell’s perceptual field. | Stem Cells, Tools & Technology Development |
Soojin Yi Professor |
An evolutionary biologist who uses genomic and epigenomic approaches. | Behavioral Neuroscience & Neuroethology , Cell Biology, Biochemistry & Biophysics of the Nervous System |